the flesh and blood of love

Friday, June 30, 2006

Getting out of my comfort zone...literally..

Yea my legs' killin me...seriously can?! It hurts more than yesterday la!! The moment i woke up was the moment my first "Oh no" of the day came was kinda a torturous's amazing how the rest can still go out and go school and stuff..i'm almost dying walkin around at home la! Like i cant even stand straight without pain..and i walk like some weird penguin..oh man..=P Hahahaha!

So i spent my day getting out of my comfort Haha pushing straight my leg..well it's sorta like a cramp behind yea..sorta stretch it a lil..oh was uuh! =P Yea..out of your comfort zone =)))

I almost wished for a wheelchair...oh well~ i survived the day! =) Thank God..But yea, it's gotta be better by tomolo la! Got service, got choir..after that got gig..oh man..jia you my legs! You can be up and well again~ =)Muscle aches! Be gone! =) That was a proclaimation by faith though..realli pray hard it'll be okay tomolo..if am i to dance?! Haha..

If God called, you can.

Well...i'm gonna look at the positive! =) Cos my legs will be alot stronger after this muscle ache period..and i am closer to doin a complete PIROUETTE! =) Yea my goal...pirouettes..

take all of me, i give You my all for all of You*

Puii- wanna stand straight again! =) *pirouettes*

10:47 PM

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Rot all day~~ with rottin legs..wahaha!

My legs are like permenantly damaged..i'm like limping around my house whole day la! Hahha! I cant even stand straight...grr..MORE STRETCHING! =)

Yea..just here to complain that i had a boring day~ I cant even walk out to the kitchen to kind food much..blame it on my legs..they're hurting like nobody's business..mayb by this i can cut a lil fats =) Cos i eat lesser =)))

Wahaha..yea it's a boring day for me..i stayed home and watch vids on eh? =)

Bed seems like a nice idea..but the stairs up to it? Nah..i rather sit here and play com though =P

Ger sent me our vid for the Orchard gig last Sunday. Think i'll load it in my multiply later..can go there and see if i've loaded =) Wont load it on Youtube's too messy and stuff..wahaha! =P

Okie~ I'm bored're bored reading this too right? =)

Puii- bore me more. =)

11:06 PM

Jump and turn is FUN =)

Wee! Had our first training yesterday..had the Jump and Turn course by E Ching..was coolness~ =)

Started with warm up (which was a TOTAL KILLER)...i couldnt even stand straight la! my legs was wobbly without strength..that is what i call warm up man..i was sweating like MAD by the end of the warm up..throughout you can practically see agony all over the room..twisted face, almost calling for help..haha..

After that scary warm up sessions, she taught us a proper pirouette.'s so diff from the "anyhow pirouette" that we do la! I mean..the proper pirouette is like..crazy..haha..imagine Ryan they all can do like 10, 20 turns at ease...woohoo! That's my goal now man..Pirouettes! =) Gonna train pirouettes! =)))

After that she taught kicks..front kicks..well i've done that before so was not that tough for me..=)..did across the floor..and for some reason i'm always the slowest in my i'm like.."why are they so FAST?" wahaha..

After that E Ching reviewed with her previous class what they did the previous week..they did split jumps la, which i have always called jetes..but she said something different..which i didnt catch what she's just the name anyway...haha...

So it was front kick, back kick for four times then jump jump jump! =) Was so fun la~ Hahaha..

Then was cool down..did splits..=) Cal looked at me and "PUI!!" Opps! =P

Yea the class was so fun la! It's been a long time since i've been so stretched and so "warm up" muscles was like aching all over..even when i woke up just now..i almost didnt wanna climb the stairs down..haha! But it was awesome..i know i'm learning new things and this is a whole new ground..i'm gonna step up higher and conquer it! =) Yea~ jump and turn!! =)

Puii- aching all over~ but lovin' it *winks*

11:49 AM

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

No greater LOVE.

Before I knew Your name
You knew my every breath
Before I found my way
You knew my every step

Before I knew everything that I need
You gave it all to me

No greater love than this
That You should lay down Your life
For someone such as me
I'd spend a lifetime wondering why
The Beauty of Heaven
Is here in my heart
And I know that can be
No greater love
Than this

I never understood
How merciful Love could be
Until I felt His Flame
Light every part of me

And I would give everything that I am
Cause I have been saved
Yes I have been saved

No greater love than this
That You should lay down Your life
For someone such as me
I'd spend a lifetime wondering why
The Beauty of Heaven
Is here in my heart
And I know there can be
No greater love

Oh~ oh oh~ oh oh~ Woah~

The Beatuy of Heaven
Is here in my heart
And I know there can be
No greater love
For someone such as me
No greater love...than this...

With His great Love, what else do we need? I just need my Lord. He is the answer for everyone.

Have been listening to this song for days. It so touched my heart. There is indeed no greater love than His~

Puii- in awe, in love, with God.

11:39 AM

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Gathering of the O gang~~

Haha..went oschool met up with all the proj O people... Went today to help out with some filming the end..its more like a bonding session for us all la..cuteness~~ woohoo! Love em.

We played handiplast! Was a game where we all sit in a circle..and the starting person will whack either the person of his/her left or right but the following person must say ouch and the next person says handiplast and the following person choose the next starting person..So it's some thin lidat:

First person : *whack 2*
Second person : must keep quiet though was whacked
Third person : Say ouch.
Fourth person : Say handiplast
Fifth person : Choose the next person.

Haha..was so fun can?! All the whacking people and laughin and stuff..hahahah..laugh till my stomach pain sia! Yong Zhi was so poor thing la! Keep kena whack..and it's those very hard whacks! Haha..we laughed like dunno what. Fun fun time!!

After that played the old game "wo de yi mao qian" Haha..had two 10-cent we're suppose to pass it around and not let the person guessing know where it is. Poor Yong Zhi..kena sabo again..and had to be the guessing person. Mayb i look too innocent la huh..cos i had the coin with me for two times..but he didnt guess me..haha!! =)

We did all those dumb stuff la..was so fun..

Then was the shooting thing la..was so lame can? We were more extra than was dumb..haha~Hit the Floor!

After that had a briefing from Bro Kenny..our soon-to-be cgl..yea he talked about quite some stuff..prepared for Proj O =)))

Went dinner with them after that..and chilled around raffles city area..

Xiao Xian brought us to this shop that sells fried Mars bars. YES!! Mars bars deep fried can?! I was like..wouldnt it taste eww? But it was surprisingly nice la!! =)))
This is the fried mars bar. With ice cream =))) Nice nice~~

Went home after that..was a fun day~

Gonna see my Proj O gang tomolo again..Bro Kenny told us to attend the Jump and Turn class by E Ching. Coolness~ i'm so gonna love it i'm sure =)

Puii- Lovin' Proj O gang =)

10:23 PM


Went watch Cars with Jacky, Kiyoko and Freddy..went cine watch..=)))

Wahaha the movie's so cute can?!! Even the housefly in the movie is small small cars with wings la! Then they got this stadium thingy..and all the cars did kallang wave with their head lights!! Cuteness!

Was a funnie and heartwarming movie~~ nice nice! Recomended to all who wanna have a laugh =)

Went shopping with them after that..haha..just walked around la..saw manda when we pass by ed went in and had a chat with her=) She's so cute and did the ghetto hug with me =)))

Yea so..yea~ walked around..was fun =)



6:02 AM

Monday, June 26, 2006

First gig @ Orchard.

Woh~! How long has it been since i last blogged? A day? Haha..okie i'm being lame can?! So dun laugh =)

Yea..had performance at Orchard today. Was fun fun fun! =)

Suppose to have a solo each (SOLO AGAIN!?!?!?!) So..being greatly discouraged on choreography after Proj O audition...i'm so not sure of myself can?! Like..was kinda demoralized about choreography actually..but thank God for my sweet queen! She's so encouraging can? Like...yea thank God for my sweet queen, GER! =)

So yea..choreoed the same song, Shackles. But like..was trying to choreo street jazz, but it turn out to look like hip hop flava kind..oh well..think it's nice la huh? =P

Okie i confess..i dun think it's real nice can? Like..i hate last minute choreography..oh no..but's better than having no choreo even at last minute right? =)))

Yea so went SMU meet them peeps to prac before heading for Heeren. Was late for about 45 mins la =P sorry ppl keke!

Did the changes and our solo..we're all still kinda blur still but..oh well..gotta go already cos we're suppose to start 6. And by 6 we're still at SMU there la! Keke..

Took bus down..brushed some foundation on while in the funnie..Like the bus was our artist room lidat..the people on board must think that we're some freaks. Wahahaha~

Reached there to find a small clearing that serves as the stage. Was quite a big area though..lotsa people gathering 'round. SCARED-ED sia!!! Haha..i was there being v bz..trying to smile and chat with people. At the same time trying to remember my steps, and praying in tongues just under my breath..wahaha..see how bz i am? But i was dead scared-ed nervous can?!

We went out at the sound of slight cheers. Did our Ghetto dance with changed..some forgot steps we buang the whole thing..well kinda..was still a okay dance i guess..but we buang only becos we're not familiar with the new steps okie?! My queens are all pro dancers =))) Love em loads.

Yea so the beatboxing people did their stuff while we rested..went aside to remember my step again..still not v confident though..wahhaa..

After that was our solo performance..some sorta battle kinda thing la..suppose to bueh song each other kind..but the stage is so lonely can?! Like..surrounded by partner beside you kind..wahaha!! Lonely stage =P.

First was Jacky..did his usual stuff la..and then was Ger..she laughed at her funnie step part..wahhaa..cuteness..after that was Cal and her reggae!! Was total coolness realli! She's not called reggae queen for nothing okay?!

It was when i was still admiring Cal's pro dance when i realise i'm up next..and a big OH NO!! came to my heart la! I was totally...scared-ed..

My music start..went out dao Cal..she grinned la!! Wahaha cuteness..So i there high dance dance..praise God was pretty fine..till this particular part that i always forget..and yes BAM! i forgotten that instead of posing for half a 8s, i did posing for a whole full 8s la!! Wahaha..continued to dance my choreo after that..yes! reach last 8s le. 1..2..oh NO! I totally forgot the rest! And in my mind was the sentence "KEEP MOVING" that kept i did a turn turn thing. Came back front, turned again, and again ,and AGAIN! Till music stop, i kept turning..OH NO!!! i spoiled it so much i wanted to laugh right there..but cant la..needa walk off and dao sinman..but i buang her instead and caused her to miss a lil beginning..oppsie~! =P

And after sinman that broken back was manda. Her choreo is so wow wow wow..i'll never believe she just choreoed that like less than an hour ago..So that shall be my aim in choreography..i must increase in my capacity of choreography..not only to choreo nice steps, but also to do it fast and to be able to REMEMBER it! =P

Beatboxing once more..and what's more? PHOTO MADNESS! =))) Click here to see!

Did solo again..and i REMEMBERED finally!! Thank God realli. Though a lil part i gabra-ed but that was okie la..i hid the mistake..kinda =P

After that was some lame stuff in the end we did once more Ghetto dance without changed and without formation..felt was cool =) except it's kinda messy cos no formation. Wahaha..i felt so power packed doin that last dance =)

Went chill with em people at cine after that ..went for dinner first..before goin up E2Max find the rest.

Spent our time playing com and xbox, chatting, taking pics and all..was fun fun time with em peeps yea! =P Coolness.

Was such a fun day! lookin forward to next saturday's gig. Hope it's as fun and i will remember my steps =)))

Puii- dance dance dance.

4:15 AM

Friday, June 23, 2006

A day out to see superman! =)

Woke up at some early hours. Like 10 plus 11 plus? Okie to me that is real EARLY k? =)))

Yea so was woken up by my alarm and Jeannie's calls. =( Poor dark circles~~~~~!! Grr..wahaha.

Jeannie came take her cap..chatted a while. love her so much la~ cute gal~ =)

After that prepared to go church for the youth evangelistic event. And waited for that JACKY!!! Grr...make me wait so long..then he cant go cos he no keys to come out..

Went choir and got to see my RAIN DANCE GIRLS!! =) Love em so much so much..its been a while since we served together~ =)) Love ya gals! =P

Oh yea..and was so sad..cos our choir IC was the whole choir was like..blur...dunno what to we dismissed ourselves to put bag first..
End up me and chewie are alone..cos our members either never come or will we end up just sitting at two empty seat behind ming ying's cg there =)))

Yea and know what? I'm suppose to sing for i wore a green racer..and bought my jacket along so i later can wear for choir..and yea, when i finally open my bag to take my jacket, i realise it's still at home sweet home~ oh man!!!! Lucky ming ying got extra half-formal i wore's freaking small la!! =P

Never had such a rush up stage before..mayb once..5 mins before the event start we still haven seen the shadow of our IC..when she finally came after being held up by some stuff..we quickly went up stage. We were v fast..cos know what? Choir stand got 7 rows. Only three rows are filled!!! This is the smallest choir i've seen in CHC la~ =P

They had a tiny game at the start of the event. They had planted placards everywhere in the main audi..the congregation is suppose to find them and make the word "SUPER" with placards of the same colour. And just by doin that they get free movie tix!! Oh man..if i'm not on choir stand i'll dash for the cards man..get a movie free~~ =)))

Praise and worship was cool la..even though with such a pathetically small choir..wahaha..presence~ wow.

Went back to our seat after that. We practically ran back cos we wanna watch JOYOUS PERFECTION'S DANCE =)) Though two people less, they still did such coolness that rock the house down. But the crowd was real! I was the only one screaming over rain dance girls stared at me...what?! Excited for JP they all ma..keke.. But they're real coolness =) Great to see them dance once more. Woohoo! =P

After that was a superman drama. It's so so so SO lame can?! Whahahaha..It was like totally nonsensical la! Keke but its super cute. Yea~

Started with a nerdy lookin guy that claim he came from a farm in small ville. And he saw this bunch of pretty girls (with Theresa and Krystle inside) Was super bimbotic la!! Wahaha..they did Dont phunk with my heart. WAHAHA Super drama sia. After that the rest of JP came out too..the girls dress as bimbos la! So cute!! =P and the guys(which was only yong zhi and nikz) danced with the superman guy..wahhaah i laugh my heads off at my seat there..super funnie man!

After that this super man guy said his school got this superhero decided to join them. But in the end they turn out to be anti-superman and pro-batman. It's a batman fan club la! They were there saying superman is so dumb, dun even know how to wear his underwear and stuff..and say he think he is so pro, that one man can make a diff. Wahaa..they got a rap that goes something like " It's a bird! It's a plane! Oh man..that's LAME! "
Wahahahhhahaha it is so so so SO funnie!! =P And they left stage doin some batman stuff..was total lameness la!

Then the superman went to a lonely home..cos his parents dun wanna accomapny him and never give him he very sadded..he wanted their love but his mum said, "its not like one man make a diff??"

He went out after that and got a threat from some villian la..then, unexpectedly, there was a commotion behind the congregation and the JP people and some other extras were screaming and running down the stairs like it's the end of the world. Haha laugh my heads off again when yong zhi and nikz ran pass us, there screaming and drama-ing...super funnie la!! Looked around for the girls though..cant see them..sadded..

So this superman was sitting there "should i save them? it's not like they are my frens or what. And they wouldnt appreciate me, and still make fun of me. Should i just sit here and watch them die" those kinda nonsense la..

So he concluded to himself that one man can make a diff..and open his jacket to show the small small superman sign..and he went again to save the world.

AND THE DRAMA ENDED!!!! Can you believe it? I was still expecting him fighting some weird villian..saving some pretty girl kind of sutff..but oh well~

Yea after that was sermon. Pst Aries preached about the women with an issue of blood. That she had faith. She reached out. She touched Jesus. And her faith made her well. =)

Many came forward during alter call. The love of God in the place was so saturated. Some were tearing already. YES love of God. wonderful gift from heaven.

This event is like a mini Emerge. It was wonderful.

Went back woodlands after that..went marketing for my mum..she wanted me to buy vege and chicken. was shoppin around ntuc where i walked pass the fish area and there's a malay lady scolding the workers inside very fiercely. Being the curious me that i am (AM I?!) i went to hear hear the matter was the malay lady saw the working auntie inside cuttin pig's kidneys on the fish cutting board!! Wow the anger of the malay lady. She was very very angry la! but the auntie also inconsiderate..should be more aware of all these stuff ma..hmm..but yea, didnt see before so wrote this down =)))

Cellgroup was wow too~ Sis Mei Yi came to evaluate..yea is good =) I'm so gonna miss them all in these 9 months~

Yea~ this is my day. No inspiration to write inspirational stuff lately. Cheese ppl~ till next time!

Puii- off to bed.

6:07 PM

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Love my cellgroup..

Saw Calynne's entry that's dedicated to her CG people. Suddenly feel like..i'm leaving my second family for 9 months. Like..i'm so gonna miss them too..

Since i came CHC i've never changed CG la! Been with Bro Valor for 4, 5 years already. Such strong friendship i have with them all. It's hard to part. I cant sit with them during service. I'm not going cellgroup meeting with them. I'm not going fellowship with them. I'm not going all the outings and stuff. AH! I'm gonna miss all that? But no doubt i'm v glad i've the privilledge to be chosen for Proj O, still..a shoutout to W16 and N241 peeps : YOU PEOPLE ARE THE BEST CG MEMBER ONE CAN EVER HAVE! Love you all LOADS! =)

We came such a long way. From a v small CG..slowly growing..multiplied..and like..we all went through thick and thin together as a CG. Been through so many things together. Shared laughter and tears. These are what i call true friends. They are a bunch of true friends to me.

Thanks giving~~

Bro V : Thanks so much for all these years. You've always been such an inspiration to me. All the guidance through the years, the time you spent on me. A big thanks to you. And dont worry, i'll be back in 9 months =)))

Man and Jen : puijenman club will never close down! =) Love you girls loads! Without you girls, i wouldnt be where i am today~ =)

Kaili : Always a sweetie~ thanks for all the joy you've brought. Thank God for a fren like you =)

Kel : For being my bro~ and doing that special plate for me during my bdae. Thanks so much so much! Thanks for all the care and concern. Yep i'll be back in 9 months to help ya again! =)

Jacky and Min Kuan : For being noisy~ wahahaa!

Zi Shen and Adrian : For being the joker twins in our CG.

Ling : For all that you've done. For your lovely smile always. Thanks girl~ love ya! =)

Jem : For being ever so irritating..and to IRRITATE me! Wahaha..kiddin la! And dont swim so much k?!! Wahaha..

All da sisters : You girls are the coolest! Loves~

All da brothers : Man of God! =)

Hey all~! I'm just going proj O for nine months okay?! So dun you all dare to forget me!!! Of cos, never will i forget such a wonderful cellgroup, such wonderful friends.

*Flashes of our time together kept coming to my mind*

I love my cellgroup. W16 and N241 rocks totally ya?!! =)

A step ahead. I'm goin on. I'll be back. Forget me not! =)

Project O. DANCEforGOD.


2:37 AM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

No matter what..I'll dance on...

Got the Project O results today. I got in! and of cos am glad. I feel so priviledged really. Like...i'm still in awe.

But deep down of me isnt a smile. Cos some didnt get in. Like..a big WHY inside of me can. Know it's real painful for them, yet i dont know how to comfort them. I wanna help but...I feel so helpless. I wanna be there for them realli

Anyways. This entry's dedicated to you all. No matter what happen, dance on~

"If you like dancing, you're made to dance"

How inspired i was when i heard this. Dance is for all who love it. Not just some people. All who love dance, can dance. It doesn't matter if you feel you dance lousy and stuff..the passion for dance will drive you on to pursue greater heights in dancing. But first, the passion must be there. So, if you love dancing, you're made to dance. I definitely agree.

Dance to me is an expression. It makes the invisible visible. It communicates feelings and emotions and ideas. Dance is an expression. Expression of beauty, emotions, attitude, music and many other stuff. It's not only about looking cool or nice. It's the deeper thing that matters.

It doesn't matter if my dance is recognized or not. Cos it's just like singing and all. It doesn't matter that you sing all that well..cos all in all, our audience is not man, but God.

Rest assured. God will always sit through your performance. Even if it was a lousy dance(like what i did for my solo), i believe God is watching. Not at the dance only, but the heart! Once again He watches you dance. Once again, God smile and say "Yes, my child. I've made you to dance for me. These feet i created, what wonderful dance they did! These hands i created, swinging and all. Child it was a great show. It was wonderful." He is not dissapointed about you not dancing well. He is glad that you danced for Him.

No matter what..i'll dance on. No dissapointment will stop me from dancing. Cos passion drives me on. And know what? When passion runs dry and you feel you cant go on this dance anymore, look up and see God leading you on.

Dancing for God connects us to Him in a way nothing else really can.

Don't listen to comments of the world. Cos it's not important. All that matter is what God says. And He is telling you " Great job. Dance on."
He will be your greatest Audience.

"When you dance with God, He will do things both in and through you that you never thought you could do. He will do things He isn't doing in and through anyone else. And when you dance for Him alone, He will clap louder than any audience you have ever heard."
-Shannon Kubiak.

Puii- dancin' on.

3:19 AM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This is monday.

Woke up early in the morn to go Bel house. I end up reaching her house only at 730 cos i oculdnt find anythin to wear..wahaha..yea say whatcha wan, i'm vain~~~~ wahaha..i'm nuts i think..

Yea so..they left all the frying stuff to me..cos they dun ever go into the lame la! When i reached, all i saw was the three packs of stuff that i'm suppose to fry..just one thing i totally dun understand. I was the one frying stuff, but mabel and rh kena the spluttered oil..while nothing happened to me. Sadded. wahaha. But all the food turn out not bad..just the bee hoon..wahaha..

This is what happen to the pot after bee hoon frying. Totally eww..

And that's poor me washing that disgusting pot after Mabel's CMI bee hoon frying =)

But the bee hoon turn out not bad right? =)

This is what happen when Mabel and RH tried making sandwich. Jeannie is much better with bread stuff =)

And these are the stuff i'm suppose to fry. I feel they are torturing me. =P

So after the oil facial and steam treatment, my face was totally yucks. We went to meet the rest after that =)

We ended up having 10 bottles of drinks can? Edmund la!! He bought 6 bottles!!?!And we had totally too much food for just 7 people la..and that JACKY! He haven even woke up when we reached admiraty mac la! End up we had to wait for him. So mean time we called HY to try call her down.

ARGH!! Wanted to show you all the pics of us calling her. Never mind..find them at my multiply. =)

Yea so we headed off when Jacky came.

Was a long trip down by train. And we all got into the "shy shy mode" which that dumb Mabel came out with..we end up being shy for EVERYTHIN..

"dun look at me la! i will shy one lei!"
"why you so quiet? you shy izzit?"
"hai ya you all lidat say me. i shy liao la!"

Something lidat went on for ages. It was funnie till you cant believe it...wahaha..

Reached Sentosa being quite dissapointed. Cos we saw nothing but rain everywhere. I WANT THE SUN!! =(

Reached a damp palawan. We settled down at some stage thingy and ate Mabel's "DELICIOUS" beehoon and all the other stuff..and photo madness begin!! We took pics like nobody's business..I've loaded some on my multiply. =)

Nothing much though..played with water..couldnt dip my head in..the water that drip out from my hair will end up being pink or something..=P blame my red hair..

Went wash up around 4 plus 5. Went collect my dearie phone from wisma after that. Then went Ben & Jerry chill. End up, they went there and slept cos the chair there too comfy..wahaha..lidat also can..=P

Yea was a fun day with em peeps. They even went SMU with me cos me and jacky needa go meet ger they all for dance. So touched. =) Love me peeps so much la! =) Thanks loads!

Yippie! Cant wait for the next outing...hope ele and hy would come the next time =)))


1:37 PM

A word for myself? Mayb.

Didnt get to blog these two days. About proj O audition first i guess. It was on Sunday.

Heard of this proj O thingy quite some time back. It's for selected dancers to form a group, and will undergo intensive dance trainings. To be trained up to dance la was informed i'm in for audition, and is suppose to have a 30 sec choreo to show them. So from Friday, to Saturday night, i totally got nothin in mind la! Like.. NOTHIN?! So was..many were askin me how's my choreo goin. And all i said was i haven started..which was all because of a jammed up mind i couldnt get anythin down! So i finally gave up and went to bed. Was praying cos i totally couldnt sleep..and some stuff just came in and i went down bed and danced it out. Think choreo till 5 plus 6..woo hoo! like what..wahaha..

Suppose to meet Ger 12 at SMU to eat Subway together..i missed my brunch becos she came late..wahaha! Met jacky instead at 12. Tried to choreo my solo thingy..oh well..was...lame effort..

Anyways. I choreod to Shackles by Mary Mary..and i felt my choreo was not bad actually..

Cal and her fren Kenneth came in a while and Ger came the latest!! Wahaha..we prac and went Oschool together.

Reached O school. First thing was to prac my own choreo. Danced the first 8s and then...?? OH NO! I TOTALLY FORGOTTEN MY CHOREO! I was there like..ARGH!! But i did remembered after that..but..hmmm..

Anyways. I was fourth into the audition. Chewie was first, then Theresa, then Xiao Xian and next was me.

As i left the room, many JIA YOU! was shouted. But inside me was a big OH NO! Cos...i know this is not gonna be good...=(

Went in, took a photo. And passed the MP3 to Daniel (whom Bro Kenny called DJ Cash..haha) and stood in front of Bro Kenny, Ryan and Gin. Music started and they gave a laugh..cos it was kinda a real old song..i danced the first 8 with seh and stuff..then..I FORGOTTEN THE REST! Hard as i tried to follow after, i cant. I gabra-ed the whole thing can? I was.......ARGH! there..had one more chance to do it again. Wasnt any better. I totally screwed my solo part. I didnt even show them till two 8s i think. Totally CMI. I was there..totally breakdown la! I just squat there after the second try. I realli dunno what's gotten into me. It was the LOUSIEST dance i ever did. Tell me about dissapointment.

Ryan and Bro Kenny kept asking me why I'm so nervous. I dont know either. Sinman says i'm taking the proj O thing v seriously. Which i dont realli feel...but i might be...i think i just wanna dance to badly. I couldnt withstand mistakes.

They asked a few questions. i talked some crap i guess..i couldnt even think properly. My mind was filled with dissapointment.

The moment i step out was the moment the dam broke. Not even when my dance teacher said i dance lousy will i feel such dissapointment. I was totally discouraged from choreography. I cried and laughed at the same time. If not for the gals (Man, Ger, lynette, Chewie and all) i think i would have cried my eyes out..but thanks girls. i realli appreciate it. Just that..i realli cant stand forgetting my own choreo at such an audition. I blame myself seriously can? Think will take a while for me to regain confidence in choreo. I'm totally...sadded.

I havent been so embarresed. I've never felt so sad. I've never felt so nervous. And who knows where these feelings came from. One word to define my failure that day? Fear i guess. It not onli gribbed my heart, but it gribbed my legs too. =(((

Though i was bursting into tears within, still i put on a smile lest they get worried. Cos some of them havent went in yet. Dun wan them to be scared-ed.. But's still written over my face..cos they kept telling me dun think about it anymore la k? Later still got other segmant ma..

So i gave up my solo and focused on the routine stuff later.

Watched the rest do their solo after mine..though they came out mumbling how they didnt do this and that was not heart was screaming: "WHAT ABOUT ME?! I DIDNT DO ANYTHIN LA!" But oh well..i oculdnt scream that out right? But they dance good. Proud of em all realli=) At least they had peace in heart while dancing. Some of em dance are real cool. All the diff styles..=)

After that was hip hop routine by Gin. Tried my best to get her style. Didnt dance with her at all before. Not familiar with her was having a hard time catching her steps. But it was coolness.

The surprise came when they announced we're gonna be viewed four by four. The first two guys and girls was first. My team was second. Was nervous due to the previous setback, but was absolutely sure i'll do better. Anyways whatever i do will be better than breakingdown and squatting there almost crying right?

Did the hip hop thing..forgotten a lil..anyway the whole team of us forgotten that step so..okie la~ =P

After that was jazz. It was my confidence strengthener. First i had ALWAYS wanted to learn Ryan's jazz, so i did my best to learn as much from him, getting every detail in mind. Second, jazz is one of my fav and wanted-to-learn stuff so..yea~ felt confidence surging within.

Did the jazz thingy. Think was not bad. Just that the second time i did i hit Kenneth's shoe and forgotten everything. Instead of ending the dance facing back, i ended facing front. Oh well..the things that i do when i get nervous...unpredictable..

Lovin jazz. it's coolness.

So i felt i was total opposite from the rest. Like..i feel most of em will be most confident in their own choreo and most not confident in jazz?

It ended la, the audition thing..results' out tuesday..which is just later. Kinda....mixed feelings.

Went chill with them people after that..and Ger is so sensitive to people realli. She kept telling me, "Eh dun think of just now that thing la! Dun think of negative things!" like she can realli read my mind. Well..couldnt help it. i was so sadded can? The smiles was just to avoid concerns. I'll feel awkward. Hmmm..weird kinda?

Anyways. Went SMU chill again with them guys. Dance a lil. Aaron and Ter played guitar. And like, ah God. Singing, loving God.

Perharps the previous entry i wrote was to encourage myself today. Cos i realli did dance badly, forget steps and stuff. Like..was so encouraged by the words i wrote myself. But thank God for everything. I've learned not to choreo depending on inspiration. Daddy in heaven will look at the heart. A heart to dance for Him. Though i totally screwed my solo, but still..ah.. never mind. He looks at the heart.

I so hope i can do my solo well too.. my choreo.. hmmm..

Oh yea..met aman yesterday..she said some things regarding proj o to us la..she said that ryan told her i forgotten everything of my own choreo but can do other people's, duh? Hahaa...weird comment i felt but..she said something so encouraging la. that ryan say i'm a dancer. i was there WOW. Cos like.. oh well, still a selfish side of me want to be remembered as one who can choreo too but, dancer's good too right? =)

Today's result day already..dead nervous..the whole group of us had this confession of faith thingy, we kept saying to each other "same cellgroup ah" wahaha...yea so to all you Proj O people, " SAME CELLGOUP AH?!!" =) By faith that is..wahaha..


2:11 AM

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Nice today. Better tomolo. =)

Yea...woke up to find that i'm suppose to meet my cousin go down church together..i was there wee? i've never seen him before sia! Wahaha..and being the quiet girl that i am, ( dont think so i know that =))) i was worried of having nothin to say and having that weird silence(you know?) and yea..waited at home to meet my cousin =)

He came 'round 3 plus? And we took cab down..haha..he spoke with PERFECT english can? My powderful england seem so..hai~ HAHA! I'm always v paiseh about singlish and stuff in front of perfect-english speakers..hmmm..time to brush up my powderful england! =)

Anyways..chatted a lil and reached church quite fast ba..just that i had one major prob. I'm alone with my cousin and I DONT HAVE MY PHONE WITH ME. and to make it worse, I HAVE NOT IDEA AT ALL WHERE'S THE REST!! Despite my attempt to hide my anxiousness, guess it's written all over my face. We're in the queue and not knowing where to go kind? And my cousin was like lookin at me..guess i looked weird..wahaha!=P

Anyways, met Nicole (thank God!! thanks babe!! ) and borrowed her phone to call sinman. SHE DIDNT PICK UP!! Hai~ i was so sadded there can? Look front look back cant find any faces from our cg..luckily sinman called Nicole back and i finally got to know where to head for..was such a big PHEW i let out..thank God i dun have to search the whole hall for my cg people..

Anyways, service was wow wow wow! Got this Fathers' Day touching can? i was there like aww~~ =)

*happie fathers day ABBA DADDY!*

And the whole service was just wow. Hope Kelvin(my cousin) is blessed. Haha..he sound so shocked when he heard the size of our church. And he said it's like a rock concert. Oh well. We're goin into the marketplace=)

After service went home..didnt stay to fellowship..went packed food from 515 home to eat..had good time chatting with Kelvin la..though i'll be SO paiseh whenever i said singlish..guess that's why i was quite quiet that evening..lalala~

My aunt came too! =) Played with my rabbits and took pics~ =) all in my multiply. not alot though.. =)

Was a funnie and fun family gathering...thank God for the fellowship~ =)

The hot topic these few days on MSN among us talentime ppl is regarding tomolo..da proj O audition. Guess i seriously am the most unprepared la! It's almost 4 am now and i haven gotten anythin out..hard as i inspiration at i just changed to listening worship songs use trying when you cant get anythin'll just spoil your brains. =)

Dance's my passion, but God's my all.

Even if i failed tomolo's audition, it doesnt matter. But if i do get in, praise God i can serve Him with dance. But if i dont, it doesnt matter realli..i dont praise God just becos of a programme right? Like..even if there isnt proj O, i'll still dance on. So does proj O make such a big diff? Yes it's a much bigger stage, yes it'll be a broader path. But still, if it's not God's will for me to enter, i wont. Cos i dont walk this path based on passion. I dont enter the stage just by passion. I enter becos i wanna shine for Him.

Dance has and always will be special to me. Dancing well is a bonus, that we might or might not have. But dance itself, it is created by God. The devil didnt create dance. God created dance for His glory.

Even if one day you're ever gonna get on an empty hall, an empty stage. No audience, no judges, no applause, no nothing. You must know one thing, Abba Father will be watching. Abba will be there smiling. Human may say you dance ugly, your Daddy wont. You may trip, you may fail, you may forget steps, but Abba Daddy will sit there and watch. He'll smile and watch. He tell anyone who cares to listen " that's my child dancing for Me. dont you think he/she dance well?" Why is that? Is God blind that He cant see the flaws in our dance? No, it's just because God looks at the heart. A heart of worship. Not a heart yearning fame, applause, recognition. But a heart that yearns for Him above all. Above popularity, glory and all. Above dance itself. A heart after Him. Feet that dances only for Him and His glory. Yes He'll smile. He'll smile as you dance for Him.

So about tomolo's audition, i'm just gonna go and dance. Dance for God. YES for my Daddy in heaven. And especially its fathers' day. I'll dance for Him on this fathers' day, for my ABBA FATHER. =)

Puii- *hear my heart's cry* [[ lovin' my Abba Father.

3:28 AM

Saturday, June 17, 2006

God is never surprised. Not once.

Seems like in life, there'll always be surprised. But i'm always reminded, God is never surprised. A quote from a book i kept re-reading repeated endless times in my mind. God is truly a good God.

"No leaf falls without God's knowledge. No dolphine gives birth without His permission. No waves crashes on the shore apart from His calculation. God has never been surprised. Not once."

Say WOW.

Though life is difficult at times, our God isn't. So many times at crossroads of my life, one sentence brought me through.

"Let Your will be done."

I don't want that that's of my wish. I want what He wants in my life. I want His will and not my will. It's God that matter anyways. He is my first calling. Not dance, not life. Yes God, is my priority. Nothing else matter.

I'm casting the "I want" aside.
I'll seek for the "I should" that is sent from above.

How can one run with Him and not be on His path? I want to be on His path first, before I even start running the race. If this stage is what God wants for me, if that's where He wants me to shine, He'll place me there. Passion and calling differs. I'll not look at passion only.

Dance's my passion, but God's my all.

Puii- it's You that matters.

5:33 AM

Friday, June 16, 2006

Life on a rollercoaster.

For some reasons, i dont like rollercoasters. Especially the roller coasters of life.

But at least..there's something good about it..when it keeps dashing'll know that it'll soon come up again. Be glad people dont built rollercoasters over a bottomless pit..that you can keep falling and falling.. some day you'll rise up again..

And i just know another fact about me. I cant handle stress. Bad stress management. Ah whatever.

*down down the rollercoaster. not allowed to scream*

Feeling down. Dun bother about me.

***_ do bad things all happen at the same time?

I'm feeling dead tired. I'm just 17 and am tired? Grr...when will the rollercoaster go up again? Ahead is just.....craps.....i wanna be out of all these craps...


I'm being weird today..never mind me anyways.

*mumble mumble* i cant go where i want to. i needa go where i dont want to. i needa stay at where i wanna leave. i needa leave where i wanna stay. grr! contradicting life. *mumble mumble*

Never mind!!!!! God will have a way *looking to heaven* right? =)))

*May the rollercoaster turn for the better soon.*

When you're way way way down, dun despair. Cos when you so way down~~there's no more way but the upward way. Things will get better sooner than you thought. Things WILL get better. =) Staying sad and moody helps not. So decided to stay happie today. Pulling a face and holding a frown tires you much. A smile is always easier. This is not called "wearing a mask", this is being positive~ *winks*

I'm gonna smile on. I'm gonna run on. For Chirst, my solid Rock!

Puii- decided to smile on no matter what.

3:25 PM

A day out~ woohoo! Fun day! =)

Suppose to be woken up by Jacky at 12pm...i woke up at 130 and woke all of us up instead..what's the occasion? Goin out with my sicko people. Sicko Bell and Sicko jacky. They're the real sickos i tell one as sick as them.

jacky didnt meet us in the end though..grr..never mind..cut short the details..

so yup went eat with that SICKO BELL at Causeway Mos Burger. i ate the teriyaki natsumi burger (teriyaki chicken with vege outside) and that sicko commented that it's disgusting...all because she dun eat vege la! Duh~ i LOVE vege =))) she describe veges as " those green things " can? Wahaha...

That's us @ Mos Burger. We just love that twist sign dont we? =))) Sicko stuff.. =)))

And sweet sicko treat me ichigo bliss(that frosen strawberry thingy). So nice of her right? =) Keke..nice nice..sweet all over..

Yea~ went orchard after that..dunno why we went orchard in the first place..we end up walkin all the way to heeren to walk..and we onli walked one shop la!! After that we decided to go PS walk...ah...crap=P

She needa go work we did a hasty walk walk. she wanted to buy these beachwear shorts but...ah never mind..

But the time she was suppose to go work already..we were still at carrefour lookin for her " realli very nice " biscuit that her boss bought the other time...flipped the whole place over...finally found it hidden at the place we sian diao..she rushed off to work after that..wahaha.. i took my long walk to wisma.

Finally found that ulu place..the sony ericson service centre..duh la they all..Singapore only got three outlet can? Sadded..needa travel down again to collect my beloved phone..wahaha..

For your info, it's at Wisma Atria Isetan fourth floor..if you ever needa send your phone there..wahaha..

Went back to find Bel...took train this time..too lazy to walk all the way back la! So far..keke..

So yea loh..went back look for her..cos i needa wait for Ger too..hmmm staying at her shop is such a BAD DESCISION! There's so much nice stuff to tempt you to buy them...hrmp! *shake head shake head*

Yea in the end i bought a racer back and a bag...lalala~ and they are on sale! =)

This is the hardworking Bel. Gagaga...

Yea so spend few hours with her at her shop la..still needa go help her buy magazine...hrmp! Keke...stayed there...looked at practically everything in her shop there...and i just cant help it but to take up her phone and zi lian =)))

(find the photos in my multiply...bloggers dun let me upload!! *mumble mumble*)

Bored enough to take those stuff in her shop to da big specs..make me look sicko! =)))

Yea so..spend loads of crazy time sian there la! No body one...let me make a free adverd. Pls visit dhoby exchange above dhoby ghaut mrt station! Its so empty you can practically run across it with great ease! Thank you~

Yea enough of crap.

Ger reached at long long long last..picked her up and went back waited for bel to close shop..went SMU find Jacky and Min Kuan to dance dance dance! =)

Ger realli improved alot after talentime. YEA! GER go!! =) Love her tons. Saw Chris there too..wahaha..he's there Ger went and call him to teach her reggae..was so cute la Ger..and Chris taught us a short jazz..he could have killed me with that awfully hard thing..he just showed twice and i'm suppose to geddit? Wow...he either thinks i'm a pro or a vid recorder.=)))

But it's nice nice nice. Cos got pirouette! And i cant do it nicely. Thank you~

Went back home after that..had photo madness once more on the train. Keke..

(and again...blogger still dun let me upload photos again..dunno why...argh!! it's at my multiply...)

Yea so...went la teh at woodlands..nothing much..all the people there watching world cup. gagagaga...sicko bell say it's england versus singapore..oh pls.......duh?!!

Yea! Though nothing much..but was a fun day out with sicko people!=)

Monday!!!Finally gonna see sec sch long so long never see them all le la! Seriously miss them all k? We use to see each other all every other day la..hmmm~ that's one of the many reasons why i miss school..dun call me a freako can?! =) I do miss school. I still miss school~

Wee! So many people's birthday these few weeks..almost everyday la! fun! Many June babies~!!!

*Thank God for performance opportunity~ Thank God for my queens*
Love em LOADS and TONS.

Puii- .hearing.silence.within.a.silence. ***_

4:05 AM

Thursday, June 15, 2006


i see a light today. i'm starting to understand. i'm starting to know. yes i'll stay away...=l

Due to bad time management..didnt manage to do all those things which i wanted. Mum wanted me to have dinner at home so didnt go out that the end..i barely made it for BS. Haha..saw the three babes (Theresa, Nicole and Constance) upon reaching Douby Ghaut. They gave me such a scare. =) They're so cute..went for BS...tot will see sweetie Jen there...didnt see her though..dunno why..tot she went for 6pm de, but Kaili say never see her lei..weird weird..mayb she feelin sick long never see her la!! Miss ya Jenni~! =))) Wahaha.

BS was awesome. Was about tongues. What's in it? Wait till you get to it then =))) I mean..all the BS are just =)

and yes. i see a light. let me not understand but still follow.

Goin out with Sicko Bell and Jacky tomolo. Evening gonna go dance with Ger..anyone wanna join us can contact Ger. Sorry hp died-ed..wahaha!! =P Yea! Love em all people in my life! That's what friends are for~

i've had enough of love with a 'if only' in front. i desire unconditional love. love of God. love of Jesus.

Decide to touch the Lord as He walk by.

Feeling rather down. Milo should cheer me up..bye people~ *off to the kitchen*

to stay away. i nodded. hrm..

Puii- lovin' her milo. =)

5:00 AM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

100% Pig? 100% Human.

Feel so slack these few days. Partly sick, partly tired, partly TIRED. I cant stop sleeping..can i call this an answer of prayer? Lalala~ i feel like sleeping..and i slept whole day kind? I feel like such a pig. Oh man...grrr..i slept whole day and i still feel sleepy..i dun even feel like playin com last night and passed it to Sinman to moment she got home..what did i do? Sleep...duh~ pig me!

Ah whatever..i slept through so many things! Suppose to meet Jacky, Ger and Ter for dance, go ballet, get my phone fixed, buy Sun's album..and those were only yesterday stuff! Lotsa ppl said Hi on msn and i didnt even the time i saw it..they're offline already..i was there sian halfway la! Think got ppl call me too..oh no.. i was so dead to the world kind..lost in lala land..and TODAY! Jacky wanted me go meet another fren together..i didnt even go la!

Okie..i'm goin from one extreme to the least my dark circles could've improve a lil? (Or so Jasmine commented)

At least i woke up time for BS =))) if i ever sleep through my BS too i'll be so so SAD la! i love BS sessions la..and i got many lessons to catch up before i can get my cert by this year..hmmm~

Goin out soon i guess..needa fix my phone(which i'm suppose to do days ago), buy Sun's album, see da belt for Jen(her request), go for BS!(highlight of my day~) Yea! Got loads of things to do..had my for long people~ write again some other time *grins*

Puii- finally sleeping. so stop NAGGING her. =)

4:47 PM

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hai~feeling so dumb. Wahahah!

I'm suppose to do so many things today la! And dumb me slept through everything...grr...this insomia thing is killing me......=(

Chatted whole night with Ger and Jacky..was suppose to meet them dance today with Ter too..then i slept for an hour before preparing la..after that Jacky go and call me and tell me he JUST WOKE i'm like..super free..and what do you do when you're free? Wahaha. Shall not elaborate then..

Yea so..Suppose to go fix my died-ed phone too..didnt go...
Suppose to go buy Sun's Album(Yes i HAVEN BUY it yet)
Suppose to go for the ballet the time i woke up is already...never mind...hai~

i only got myself to blame i guess.

Dunno what i'm up to sometimes...i so wanna knock some sense into myself...but... ARGH! *....mumble mumble....* mum came in and gave a leg to it too..grrr..need you add it on lady? =P

God above
You hold my world
I see in You
My life unfolds
Your face that shines
This path of mine
With You i'll walk
My Friend and Guide

What can i do to seal
This Union i have with...

You are the God who will save
Cling on to all that You say
And for always

Covered my life with Your grace
You've turned into day
When You gave
Your ALL away

Glory~ Glory to the King..

***You are the God who will save***

So..yep...still feeling dumb over the day wasted..

plsshutupandstopscoldingme. imhavingabadtimehavingnosleepalready.
Godhelpmewithmysleep. idontwannawasteanotherdayanymore.

Just some blabbers.

God is still a good God despite all circumstances~ =)

Puii- lovin' God.

5:56 PM

Monday, June 12, 2006

Outing with talentime peeps! =) Love them LOADS.

Wee! Outing for steamboat! More on that later! =)

Morning..wanted to wake up early to report for choir..but woke up late and sick..didnt went in the this weird cough and flu..duh! irritating..

Yea went service..surprisingly we were the first to reach la..cos me and man cabbed down (AGAIN!!) Ya loh..was so funnie..almost forget to tell the uncle it's at hall 1..=)

Met Nikz outside the hall..we're all waiting for in the end we all went look for seats..

Service was awesome with caps okay? Like AWESOME la!!The praise, worship, sermon..all wow wow =) i simply love the song "Sanctuary". It's so beautiful~~

After service, i confirmed one phone died-ed..needa go service can only on halfway la..cant see the main screen AT ALL can? So to use trying to contact me...i wouldnt know anyways..=( sadness la!! i feel so HANDICAPPED without my phone..

And all becos of that i needa stay with someone with phone so that i can stay connected to other people..if not finding the others would be an ikan bilis in pacific ocean..or something lidat..haha!

So was stuck with Serkoon and his lameness..but soon after that Lynette "rescued" me la..(haha..okie la..SK not all that lame anyways.) Yea had much fun chatting with them..

Was about to leave expo when SK lost his phone..spent much time lookin for the end..think some people kept it for themselves ba..poor SK, this is the 7th phone he lost..WAHAHA!

Left for taka! As time passes da people came..we walked around like goin for a fight la! Such a big group of us!..Was so so fun=) We walked around till we reached outside coffee club @ taka, second floor..den we stopped there and took lotsa of spastic photos! Was so lameo la!! All da lame pics like you cant believe it man..lalala~

Wee! Made new frens! Didnt realli talked to the vocalist during to know them better today! Like Febrina, Abel, Yong Kwang and Ryan Sean all..and band de Pierson, John Lye all..was so cool la! We're a bunch of madness people..woohoo!

And i only realised today that alot of them are HARD GAY FANS! so DUH~! We're all like there "say, say, say, say...okay~!Hardo Gay, Foo~!" Wah! Super lame la!!! Cannot stand it man! Wahaha super cute people!We went from taka to far east..crap on the way la..chit chat chit FUN!Saw that BANANA MAN (the famous guy in spore idol.......) on the way to far east..he look so happie..wahaha..enough on banana man..went far east..those buying stuff went their way..six of us went down drink stuff..wahaha..i drank my beloved "yuan yang" (coffee plus tea)

Febrina had we wanted to go marina she could get some food..but she bought old chang kee before leaving la..but she look in awful pain..=( cant help much..

Yippie! Went Marina...saw boogie queen on the way! Woohoo miss her LOADS la! =) Cuteness she..wahaha..

So i blindly followed to the steamboat place..cos i'm lousy enough to have never been there before(quoted from Cal) and she say i'm so lousy cos i'm like the last singaporean who has never been to malaysia? so duh la! Wahaha..anyways that's not the point..haha..

Settled down quickly! We were so hungry la! haha..all the fun of the day had made us hungry..we took so much food that we cant wasteful la i feel..but sorry, cant help, cos i'm to the max already..cant eat another mouthful..and i keep cooking for all those taitais sitting there who's waiting for food la!!(Shall not name of them call me Mummy somemore..) ... (DO I LOOK THAT OLD REALLI?!!!) Haha..i'm used to it realli~=) Yea so i spent my time cooking..wahaha..hope they dun get any stomachache and stuff..HAHAHA!

After eating was MADNESS TIME!! They sang songs like nobody's business la!! Sang praise, worship, the band's songs, chinese songs by David Tao and Jay Chou..we're all like a cool la! Sang and ate, ate and sang..just love it..

Then as usual dance battle will start..and dance lessons here and there..Ger was learning the hand wave we waved as we walked to the washroom la..den me, ger and cal used the toitoi mirror to do wave..and blocked people ..haha! Ger's so cute..she simply love dance la! =)

Some were popping, some were waving, some were locking, some were singing, some were playing guitar..had a crazy dance and music time la..WAS SO FUN! =) Dance and music brought all of us closer *grins* This is what i call the language of arts *winks*

Took much spastic photo..and i dun even know whose cameras are those!! Now i dunno who to kope the pics from..haha!

A time of fellowship..was so wonderful..i simply love them people..awesome group of talented people..aint they just awesome? Yea..but though they're pro..they are pros for God=))) Yea people? *grins*

The friendship, the bonding, the laughter, the lame jokes, the food and all, the time spent, the love shared. I hold them dear to my heart. I've made new friends indeed..=)

How i miss spending time with dear friends in this manner!! We're always busy..hardly having a whole day's time to spend i long for fellowship with close peeps. i miss them all realli! =)

This is the beginning..more fellowship will follow..lookin forward to seeing all of you my friends! =)

Puii- goin to wake mum up already. =P

4:35 AM

Saturday, June 10, 2006

So touched by...

When my world was in darkness.
You spoke Your word
And night turn into day
Your beauty filled this place

When my world stood in silence
You filled my heart
With songs that never end
Forever I will praise

To think that the universe
Could not withhold Your glory
You choose to live in me
I'm SO amazed

And I worship You Lord
My life in You restored
Here is my heart
Make it Your sanctuary

You are FAITHFUL and true
Glorious Lord
All my life it is You i adore
You've touched my soul
Completed my world
I surrender to You.

Like a girl coming back home with bad exam results, i come back to You with a bad result slip, everyone do. I come back, i surrender, i surrender all i have. The good, the bad and ugly..Lord i give them all to You. All to You. Everythin my Lord. Take my ALL~

I'll stand. I'll run. I'll go. I'll soar with God. On Christ the solid Rock i stand.

Puii- comin' back to the HEART OF WORSHIP.

4:04 AM

Friday, June 09, 2006


I just woke up. And i think at this time people are goin back home already after a day at work or school. Blah, serve me right for not sleeping at night. I cant sleep what..

(ARGH! Sinman and Nikz just laughed at me cos i just woke up...=P)

Yea i'm goin out in a while..gonna go buy SUN's new album!!!!!=)) ive waited soooo long..yea!! And i wanted to call sinman help me buy..sadness, she dun have enough cash on her..hrmp! I have to go buy myself. She say go buy tomolo wont be sold out..blah blah..
DUN WAN! I wanna listen today!=))))

Come back continue writing =))
*Out to buy Sun's new album, Gain*

Grr...cant find..sinman help me ask the CD rama person..the suppiler havent send to them..sadness. =( But oh well..i'll go look again tomolo. Hope have! *grins*

Oh ya Sinman corrected me when we meet. Nikz didnt just laugh. He laugh till VERY JIA LAT!! Grr..sleep till late late v funnie meh?

Anyways..yea came back after the sad trip to find my CD..cos got CELLGROUP!! =)))

Wee! Cellgroup was cool~! Topic of the day : Being a true friend.

My Best Friend : Will always be Jesus. =)


5:01 PM

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A day out and my black hair's gone.

Went out with Bel to Vista point. She say she wanna re dye her i went along too cos MS MABEL NG MIN ER SAY MY HAIR LOOKS SO KUKU IN BLACK!!!!!!!!! Grr.. whatever la! went dye with her loh..took v long to choose where to dye and took v long to choose what we spent long time choosing this and that..wahaha..

Bel dyed some brown blonde colour..i highlight RED. The guy that did my hair was so GENTLE la..i couldnt even hear what he said. i literally 'HUH??' at him after every sentence he spoke. Highest record was five times in one go okay? That's how horribly soft he my hair full of alumminium foils. And he took me to this "hair cookin machine" to cook my hair..bleahs. i look funnie..

That VERY SOFT guy..putting loads of aluminium into my hair.

Hair cookin in progress. It's taking so long la!

Yea went wash off the aluminium. Got such strong smell of ammonia. AMMONIA!!! I'm so sorry to my hair that you needa bear with all that AMMONIA! Sorry poor hair.

Anyway it was washed and it turn out to look like this -->

Yea i that the green tea ice blend beside me. anyways. TA DAH! My RED hair's here to see the world! And slow Bel..she still got those ammonia stuff on her hair when i'm ready to go already.

That's Bel getting her hair dyed.

We went shopping after that..went shopped from Orchard to Douby Ghaut la! Super tiring..wahaha but not without gain! Got a v v v v nice belt at 50% discount *grinning from ear to ear*

And we ate alot. Did we? Nah we just ate Subway..wahaha. i think..

Continued shopping..after that went Specialists' shopping centre opp. Centre point to find my ballet to know that they onli have open classes and not a 10 lesson course okie loh..i just had to report next tuesday~ and GREAT!! i dun even know what to in tutu..WAHAHAHAHA!! i'll laugh at myself first..keke..

Anyways..Cher Hiang and his fren reach to find Bel..went eat with them at taka..such a long walk la! Haha..and on the way saw sinman's business competitor..also draw shirt kind..wahaha..

Anyways..left orchard after a while..went PS walk..left Bel with Jacky b4 goin BS..wahaha..

BS was awesome..given by Pst Aries. Love his preaching la! "you can be IT!!" Haha lame! =P

Yea..after that was the usual stuff..

Went Orchard with mum today..walked around..ate at Crysta Jade Express..wah was so nice! =) *rub tummy*

Walked around..nothin much..took some pic..go multiply see.

Puii- da RED hair girl. (Ang moh)

P.S i thought this entry was eaten up by blog web. They were having some maintanence stuff. Hrmp! And the good news is...YES!!!!MY ENTRY'S NOT EATEN!! NO NEED TO RETYPE!! =)

*grinning from ear to ear*

4:56 PM

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I just realise some stuff. decided to write them down.

I write funnie stuffs in blog. Well i was bored enough to scroll to the last entry to read was funnie..i didnt know i could ever write such interestin stuff anyways..oh well..

I wanted to write my whole list of wanna-read-books into my wishlist in my blog..and i just realised..oh no!!my list of wanna-read-books is in my old phone!!!!! Grr..and i onli realised it after so long...great..

I only got a lil less than a month till my school start. AND I HAVENT GOT ANYTHING READY FOR SCHOOL!!

you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind.

Puii- blabbering in the morning.

11:30 AM


Wish i were back in expo with the presence of God...

One day in the house of God is indeed better than a thousand elsewhere. Being in Emerge for four days. Aww man..i miss that place. Not just expo hall 8, but the presence of God. That tangible love for God in the air, nothin beats it. I love the Holy Spirit.

Though Emerge was a tiring period, and lousy me keep dozing off during sermon, but still, with a heart thirsty for God, i couldnt get enough of it. I just wanna linger in His presence.. oh i needa wait for one more year till the next Emerge? What a long wait!

Every Emerge marks a special point in my life. It is indeed life changing. A time of revival, not only in our schools, campuses, nation...but also within ourselves, the revival of our spiritman. Whenever we feel so dry, the presence of God is where we shall go, to drink deeply from the river of life. YES. the presence of God.

*even if the world world turns back, i'll still follow*

This i've said in every Emerge. This year. I said it again. Yes i'll keep following You. Even in times of trouble i'll keep following. Even in times of difficulties i'll follow. Even in times where i couldnt see You, i'll still follow. Cos i know my God will never leave me nor forsake me. My God will always be there watching over me. And to whoever's reading, whatever difficult situation you're going through, put your trust in Him. He is definately greater than every problem you'll ever face. Trust in Him=)

if you're wondering, yes i love my God that much=)

Realli thank God for everything in this Emerge season. It's realli not a youth thing...


On Christ the solid Rock we stand. All other ground is sinking sand...


4:32 AM

Monday, June 05, 2006

Emerge's ended! So fast?

I'm totally missing EMERGE la. Ultimate SADNESS! Needa wait another year. Hmmm it's okie la, it'll still be the same God we serve, it'll still be the same God we love, it'll be the same presence, the presence of the Holy Spirit. We shall be filled and filled again.=)

The day begin HORRIBLY la!!! I felt so so so SO dumb...grr..know why? Cos i LOST MY GHETTO CAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH! ULTIMATE SADDED!! I cried like MAD la! Hai~whoever got that cap, God bless him/her...better dun let me see them again=)

i seriously miss da cap.

Okie la..though say sinman can draw one more for me..and i dun needa be so sad 'bout it, but like..this cap's been with me thorughout emerge la! And was with me on that stage..ah! i so treasure it can..somemore it;s the blood and sweat of sinman..dun wanna make her sad too..but ARGH!!! dumb me..lost the cap..serve me right..hrm!=(


Reached expo around 1 plus. Suppose to have finale item. In the end no have. Haha..was still kinda sad about da cap thingy..but oh well..seeing my queens make me smile=) they're forever so sweet. LOVES queens~

Slacked around @ hall 7..took loads of crazy pics. Chatted with other finalists all. Yea slacked around. Had fun=)

Went Hall 8 behind queue for service..we didnt needa chiong though..cos we got allocated seats. Wahahas.

Service was cool.

Had praise and worship for more than an hour. I almost couldnt stop. I wanna sing till no more voice can come out. I wanna love God. Love God.

After that had spelling bee grand finals. They kids are CRAZY! They can spell weird words! you'll never believe it. wahahas.

After that was prize presentation. Had mixed feelings than. My first reaction was "huh why so fast?" and when i got to know talentime is the first to announce, correction, talentime DANCE CATEGORY is being annouced first. I was there like "Aww man...can they announce it a lil later?" Cos like...i dunno..some part of me doesnt wanna hear the result. some part of me actually had a guts feeling about the outcome. some part of me realli wish JP all da best. some part of me dont wanna wish them all da best. well. i feel mixed up that few seconds. tons of confusion. with man and aman's hands in mine. we held on to each other to hear what expected to hear. JP won da talentime dance! Congrats guys and gals! Realli this is from da bottem of my heart la=) When it's announced they won i jumped up with them and screamed with them la. Was so cool that they won. Realli happie for them=) Though some part of me was....okie...kinda disappointed. But okie la..happiness for them overwhelms my disappointed=) Love them loads!=) Joyous Perfection! You guys rox!

Ghettos~ Lets not be disheartened ya? Though we didnt win, but we're all champion in Christ. It's not becos we're lousy, but that they're better than us. However it still doesnt matter, cos we're all dancing for a same purpose. For His glory. Dancing well is just a bonus. Dancing for God is my priority.

Yea the other results were out too. For Vocals Febrina got first. Krystle for hosting. Audictives for band. Bro Cheng Jun for song writing. Was a wow wow time=))) Love talentime peeps seriously.

Service continues..and stuff and stuff..prize presentation stuff..Cal's website design got first!!!Woohoo! You go gal! You're da best!=) Love that web la..look so cool man. *winks*

Sun came with Milk and performed. Simply love her. Hey i'm Sun fan okie?=) loveSUN loveSUN!

Worshipped. Sermon. I'm so SADDED! I dozed off AGAIN and no body wake me up....i saw the camera man lookin at me..grr! But it was a powerful message. Here and there i heard alot of stuff that was so revelational. But didnt write down cos i fell into dreamworld again. But the presence was wonderful.

Worshiped after sermon. I wish we could continue till the next morning, standing in His presence singing His praises. In Him i'm satisfied. In Him i'm filled. In Him i'm loved. So loved. Thank You Holy Spirit. =)

Sang our all-time emerge fav. That's what friends are for. As i sang, flashes of images ran past. Of our dance queens, or frens and all. Tears just came. I feel so loved by all around me. As we sang "that's what frens are for" we all exchanged looks, assuring each other that we'll always be there for one another. This song just so touched me. Just holding hands and walking on this path in life, this is really what frens are for. To help each other on this road. Never to give up on anybody, never to put down anybody, never to leave out anybody, never to forget the times we spent, never to let go of this wonderful frenship that we all share. That's what frens are for. And i thank God for one of the greatest gifts this Emerge : Friends in talentime. Friends that shared tears and joy together. Friends that encourages, lead each other on this path. I've made so many friends, i thank God. Thank God for all these wonderful people He has placed in my life. I truly feel so blessed. So as i sing again "that's what friends are for" another tear welled up..

After service, the girls all cried. Most of them. And saw guys with tears in their eyes too. Like the whole place was so full of love. We just went around huggin one another, shakin each others' hands. Realli taking the time to show our love for one another. Love so filled that place. i truly love them peeps all. I so feel like crying with them too. So touched`

After that went fellowship with them talentime people @ Bedok. Ate lots. Shall not announce what i ate. Wahahas. Cos i ate alot.=)

Went home. Think i dropped my eye drop on the bus. Ah what ever.

And i think i'm having eye infection again soon. My eyes' are giving me trouble big time. Grr.. There's just some irritating stuff inside and i cant wash it out.. and it's hurting like..okie not v's just v v v v dry..making me so irritated..hmm..

Now that Emerge ended. I've got nothing much to do already. Better sign up for a ballet class soon. If not i'll die till cham cham when school starts. =) Till next time people. Love ya!

A new love Emerged from within. A fresh new love for God.`]]


3:13 AM

Sunday, June 04, 2006

TALENTIME 2006! Ulitimate COOLmax it was.=)

YES! FiNALS FINALS!=) Love it. More on that later..

Early morning..woke up late cos couldnt sleep last night...too nervous..wahaha..wasnt all that late though..cabbed down to find that only Cal reached. Sadness..

While waiting for cab. I was under the attack of the immortal ants(or so i call them) And i had no idea!! So i realised their attack only after a few nasty bites from them. Oh ya they bite me hard la!! Grr..they were in my dance pants somewhere i tried squashing them..tot i won the battle..when i got BITTEN v hard and i screamed and jumped. IN A CAB LA!!! Finally..God's a good God..i finally found one of the immortal ants..and tried squashing it between my fingers. Know what? IT DIDN'T DIE!!( i didnt call it immortal ants for nothing) After many attempt did i succeeded in killin ONE of them. While the rest are still biting me. YES.

The dot is the legenary immortal ant.

Closeup. This is the third one i caught.

Yea so was so tortured by the IMMORTAL ANTS!! My legs got lotsa bruises stuff after that..not a result of their biting, but a result of me smacking them..end up smackin my leg also..grr..i'm not gonna like immortal ants.

Anyways. Got to expo and tried getting rid of them.

Saw Cal. I was just about to ask her why never wear costume to church when she say she no have costume with her.


Haha big shocker.. we're all like oh NO!! But God is still a good God=) and He provided miraculously a black tanktop=) Cal's fren came in just as we're goin out and she's wearing black tanktop, what we're lookin for. So with it. Her fren wore her shirt, cal wore sinman's and sinman wore her fren' cute=)

YES i love God performing small yet wow miracles!=)

Nua at hall 7 cos Cal wanna eat. Went artist room for makeup. I was in artist room one while the rest in artist room two. Sadness..needa message them see what colour to draw and stuff. we wanted to do green( which i real like the effects) but in the end change to purple and pink. Poor makeup lady had to help me do again. Thanks alot sister! Your makeup skills make me feel so pampered=) Thanks a million realli. *winks*

Anyways. Was busy in and out of the room, fixing hair, go briefing, touch up, go drink water, disturb people, take photo, chit chat, encourage one another, take more photo, disturb more people, wait for food...........and stuff and stuff.. was so FUN with finals people.=) Love them loads! *grins*

Was so nervous NERVOUS can? My heart couldnt stop pounding..till i somewhat couldnt breath right..hmmm...mayb cos i didnt eat much or somethin? Feelin kinda weak. But thank God for His strength la, if not i doubt i can dance la!=) Thank God~

First part of talentime was AWESOME. Love them people so much. Their performance was so WOW la~!! So proud i'm one of 2006 emerge finalist. cos they people ROX LOADS!and what's more? They rock for CHRIST!=) Love them.

Second part! Ghetto's up on second item after da break. Backstage. I was so NERVOUS can? Like..i tried breathin deeply. i TRIED. i wanna get high but, nervousness overcame la..but we prayed, and i believe God heard. I dont realli care if we won, i'm just assured that God is watching us perform that's all.

Abba Father. Even if every single audience leave the hall. I'm assured of one thing. That my Father will stay through the performance. He'll watch with a smile and say : that's my girl. she's dancing for Me. =)

*Aint it beautiful?

Den was finale. THIS IS THE SLAM. loveit.

Service after that. Went find nana to see the placard she made. Is so cute!=)

Security call me take down my cap. haha..i talked my way through. i dun wanna look i went toitoi to get rid of my beloved back-combed hair. =)

Service? Haha..i'm guilty..i'm only awake at the later half of the whole service..i was dozing off even during PRAISE!!! cant believe i that tired? y cant i sleep at night then? Weirdo me..grr!

Anyway, service was awesome. Ezekiel sat with the Babylonians too. Lets all be salts and penetrate our world.=) i wanna be like a Danial, a Esther. =)

After service i'm dead tired.Went KPT eat unhealthy food. YES=) yum.

Goin bed. Nitey people=)

Puii- missing emerge already.

3:15 AM

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Thirsty? Drink. and be more thirsty.

That is how it is with the Spirit of God. Once we have a taste of His Spirit, we get satisfied, then more thirsty. We'll always have a constant hunger for God.

Today was awesome.

One thing i didnt sleep last night so i looked horrible today. No amount of makeup couldnt hide my panda eyes. Grr..and second is i'm physically tired. though i'm spiritually hyped up(very very high!) i was getting all excited!!=)

Went choir..cant even find them me and man went book seat first cos door open our surprised the hall was not even 1/3 filled..cos many are either in school or work. so we end up getting floor area seats=)))

Went find choir..when we finally found them, we needa learn new songs and stuff..wahaha..really went up stage and sang by faith la..i heard the song the day before. but dun realli remember well..hmm..but those are some beautiful songs.=)

And Pst Sidney(dunno how to spell) came to lead in praise and worship. sang "Christ the solid Rock" . Was such a rock song that the choir and congregation all stunned dunno wan do what. And i was so called blocked by a brother so i was SUPER HIGH on stage can? Gagaga..machiam i'm in some rock concert..i keep wanting to show that so called "satanic goat sign" which is the i-love-you hand sign..wahaha..i feel so ROCK!=) Awesome.

Due to v tiredness. i cant realli concentrate much. Worship was good, i think.

But sermon was wow~ though pst said before la, abt being a Daniel. But the word will never be spoken too much of=) Loveit.

After service went TM eat pizza hut with puijenman club gals. Yea enjoyed it..took lame pic as usual..upload next time.. cos i should be sleeping now..

Went back for choir..but was v early so went hall 7 nua till calltime..was fun me and man, rina, nana, and loads of people who walked pass. (Oh ya and ah gal) wahaha.. they're all so CUTE.

Choir. praise was great.'m v sorry that i'm not serving well. but i dozed off on choir during worship. oh NO!

And guess wat? That is not enough. I have to doze off during SERMON!

Before that...

Kelly Poon, Hong Junyang and Taufik Batisah came CHC! To perform loh..wahaha..they're cool la! *winks* EXPECIALLY JUN YANG (okie i'm being bias here)

And Oschool dancers. and the kidz hiphop. wahaha they are so ADORABLE! Amanda's sister also inside..was nice performance=)

Den got arm wrestling semi finals. Okie la..screamed at the top of my voice..hope i didnt scare any foreigh delegates. wahaha..

Sermon was on Spiritual Hunger. But i lost the word to lala land. Here's a few oddballs i caught.
-It's about standing out of the crowd.
-Without food. Death sets in. ==> same for the soul
-When you have a taste of something, you will be more hungry for it.
-Linger in the presence of God.
-Decide to touch the Lord as He walk by you today.

Yea that's about it. The rest? i dunno. i was...zzz...hai~ i'm so SAD la!! Anyways worship that follows was awesomely electrifying. Deeper hunger than ever before. Yes God take all of me, i give You my all for all of You.

Power of God. Hit me. I love Him.=)


YES TOMOLO'S emerge talentime FINALSS!!!!Mus go okie? And support GHETTO QUEENS! Cos we're da BEST! Haha no la..we're all in this competition. so it's for God to decide the winner=) i dun realli care anyways. i just wanna dance to Him, dance for Him. To glorify Him.

I NEEDA go sleep le..have to wake up 6.45 or somehtin lidat..SLEEP!! i must. get rid of my PANDA EYES!

Nitez people=)

2:17 AM

Friday, June 02, 2006

Too high to sleep. WOW EMERGE'S GOT ME PUMPED UP!=)

So you're wondering wat time izzit now? 6.52am according to my com clock and yes. i didnt get to sleep last night..before you scold on.=)

Couldnt sleep. Was online. Decided that i realli NEED TO sleep despite my wide opened eyes, i went to lie down la..just before that i was watching service vid. from CHC webbie..and while climbing the stairs to my bed(well it's a doubledeck.), somethin struck me and i went up bed and started pen-ing down my thoughts. Well i'll write it below later..and was like..i just wrote and kept on arms was so "sour" i almost wished for some sugar to put on it..(okie lame~) Well. So that went on for quite a while. And when i finally stopped writing, i off my hp light and wanted to sleep(see? i tried!) And even message minkuan and jacky to wake me up next morning(which is just an hour later) in case i couldnt get up, cos they are waking up early..haha.. But my mind was too filled. With thoughts, with love, with God. Songs and words just came. I grew excited and "high" so i couldnt sleep. Till one point i felt like laughing and screaming EMERGE!! or something lidat..wahahaha..okie i was like NUTS la okie? So pumped up within. i realli REALLI couldnt sleep. I feel more awake now than i was in service just now. I feel like a volcano erupted within. I feel FIRE.=)

Was a wow time. i couldnt stop ended up, i didnt to all you out there who will scold me for not sleeping..not my fault! i couldnt sleep cos i'm busy.=)

If we love God, we would wanna do what He love. And you know what? When i watched the service vid. something struck me. God love this. Love what you asked? When i saw people lifting hands in worship, with tears in their eyes. It struck me. God love this scene. His people worshipping Him. I mean the love for God. You can practically see it.

And so, we gotta do what God loves. We gotta go out and make disciples. Hey? So where's the link between this and that?

Since God love this, we gotta make it happen. We gotta bring in more hands to be lifted in worship, more voices to shout His praise, more feet to dance before His throne, more hearts running after Him, more dreams and visions to shine forth His glory, more eyes to look to Him, more lovers of God in His house. This is what He loves. Revival.

We gotta make it happen. Not by ourselves of course, but by the Holy Spirit. Cos the Holy Spirit will empower us in the last days, as He anointed the apostles and prophets in the day of Pentacost. Acts 1:8 says "But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." YES by FAITH we can see revival. In our campuses and workplace. Fire of evangelism. Fire of the Holy Spirit. No wonder i'm so high. Cos i feel the FIRE!


Puii- going to expo for EMERGE!

6:52 AM

We EMERGE as His generation.

Wonderful emerge conference FINALLY STARTED! Being in the choir is SO privilledged! We get to be behind the cloth thingy that was wrapping up the whole stage..and the conference started off with the Emerge 2006 trailer. It was a such a hit to me once again..i'm always so touched by all the trailers our church people made..almost everytime i watch it will bring tears..okie coming back..yea so the trailer was flashed unto this white cloth thingy..and when it's finished.the curtains fall and *BANG* there was FIRE WORKS! Haha we all got a big big SHOCK!=) And strike force came..and so proud to say that my cg member is inside!! YES and she's none other than LING!!=) She's so pro in drumming can? Awesome performance by the strikeforce..way to GO!

After that was praise and the whole hall was electrified.'m in heaven*** kind? was totally awesome..i mean, though we're all youths there but, we're a bunch of youths who LOVE GOD! Praise was so HIGH can? Haha Ma Ming Ying(mmy) can be my witness..hor rain dance partner? haha..i was already vvvvvv high during pre service prac.

I just stood there and sang. It was beautiful.

`You are faithful and true
`Glorious Lord
`All my life it is You i adore
`You've touched my soul
`Completed my life
`i surrrender to You

Haha and church dancer came out danced abit..didnt see wat they were dancing though..heard it's nice..wahaha..

After that was announcement testimony and offering stuff..

Then came Audictive! They beat up a storm man..think the whole church love them la! Coolmax guys!=P Must be much better on Saturday ah!!=) Wahaha..

Pastor Kong say they win over daphee duck.(Hai ya dunno how to spell la..lucky never join spelling bee)

Yea and then was the much awaited POS!!=) So here's my two cents worth of comments=)

North got a head start. Was cool la. But pity Andy's mic wasnt on..hai ya~sound crew....keke..=P Jowell look v like cheerleader la!=)

After that was la.. They did some kungfu stuff.

East. Improved alot sia! V synchro.

South. Frankly speaking.(SORRY NORTH PEOPLE) I think south will win=P (i THINK only la..) i mean the impact they give is much more than the other clusters. So..mayb the judges think differently..i still support NORTH!=)

N-O-R-T-H say N-O-R-T-H!

Den was tetiary.

JC/CI. V energetic.=) and JOSHUA'S V FUNNIE!=P think lynette's inside too..cant find her though..gagaga~

then was wat? i forgot. NP i guess? Love their level 3 stunt.was AWESOME. and got CHEWIE!!

Hai ya forgot the orders.

NYP. Nice dance. Stunts not as strong ba. Think theirs is the lotsa throwing one izzit? Think everybody's throwing loads of people up. haha.. Their dance's real nice=) Sis Ma is a flyer!=) and Xiao Xian! Haha v cute.

SP. V NICE cos got my sis inside. Wahaha no la..overall not bad..just kinda messy here and there..will be much nicer if it's tighter. Didnt see their stunts though. Their dance was too eye catching..wahaha..

TRP. Coolness. I love Cal's hair!!=) Wahaha. Anyways. i love the songs they use la!=) i dun rem the stunts le. the para para song was super cute la!=)

ITE. the dance was so Ter la! think he choreo one right? Haha..lameness. Cuteness. They got POM POMs!Silver and gold cute!

NUS. Their winning strike was that eagle aka chicken look alike. wahaha..Was cool.

NTU. Think they did level three stunts too. Did twice. Or was it NUS? Forget liao. Wahaha.

SIM/SMU. MY CLUSTER!=) i simply love their dance. Hai ya they got like three or four church dancer la! (or dance for church before) that i know of..mayb got more loh..haha..was v arty la theirs. nice nice..but not very cheerleading lei. their stunts wasnt v impressive. i love the stunt where sis janette and eugene did the pair work thingy. *jaw dropped*

So here's my not-worth-reading comments on this year's POS=) dun that my opinion too seriously la..i just watch it like dunno how many times onli.

YES i miss POS realli. Think i'll join next year. Gagaga.

After that was sermon. Highlight of da day!!=) I was so looking forward to this time. Pst preached the same message as last year, about wat MTV knows about youths that churches dont. And on a rhema word he heard about the ax head.

it was a wow.

THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. i'm so looking forward to tomolo. YES i'm singing choir again! So i better go sleep. Call time 830 la! Dun even know if i can wake up. haha..

Uploaded photos. =)

Puii- lovin God. lovin God.

2:55 AM

Thursday, June 01, 2006

`no words i ever knew
`could express my gratitude
`no music can make me feel
`the way Your presence do

`no greater love than Yours
`that You've shown me through the cross
`no other Saviour will i call
`but Jesus Christ my Lord.

[[ a t o u c h f r o m h e a v en ]]

i need no fairytale
cos i found my Prince charming
He didnt come in a white horse
He came with a wooden Cross
He died that i may live
He took my hand and lead me through all
i love Him
His name is Jesus=)

i love. i love GOD.

A word in my heart:
*Dancing well is just a bonus.]
`[Dancing for God is my priority.*

and i worship You Lord
my life in You restored
here is my heart
make it Your sanctuary
for nobody else
but Jesus only You.

He is my best friend.

Puii- in love with Jesus.

2:42 PM


Yea photo madness!! But that's for later..

Early morning(okie it was afternoon actually..) Huiyu and Jeannie came me house sit sit!! haha long long LONG time never see them le la..especially hy..make me miss you SO MUCH LA!! okie i'm kiddin..wahahaha..

Yea we're crazy ladiez..they didnt stay long anyways la..and i went out after that to meet ger.

Suppose to meet her simei. Den she say change to Kovan..okie loh..haha~

So where're we goin you asked? We're on a hair cutting trip! =) Okie la only i needa cut hair..haha..

So went Kovan de Jean Yip hairdressing thingy..ger say there de nice okie loh(Which after that i learn frm Jeremy that there de is...okie~la..haha!)Yup so went cut my a pic of hair-cutting-in-progress..find it in my multiply..wahaha. was funnie la.

Yea i like my new hair=)))

On the way to expo, ger went to weigh on those roadside weighing machine. Was funnie..and nope. i got nothin to reveal about her weight..HAHA!

Took cab to expo. Reached there around 5.40 ba..POS just started la!! And we needa wait for them to finish before it's our turn..and we needa wait for sinman anyway, cos our costumes' with her..haha..

This year's POS improved so much in standard la.. saw lotsa north people's dance improved loads. Like Nasia, ah gal, Xinyi, Andy, Yunting, and loads loads more happie for them. =) haha..

Yea POS is nice. Pity i didnt join. SIM/SMU's dance is SO PRETTY!!!!!!!=)

By the first round of POS. we're all anxious already..cos SINMAN'S NOT HERE YET!! And we needed our costume!! Luckily pst Zhuang asked for one more run of POS..wahaha..

Between the break, saw loads of frens that is in POS. Like Chewie, Nana, loads more la...and Chewie's fren call me help take vid of their POS..haha..

Meanwhile, sinman called to ask me help her buy i was like..die! later i come back NP finish le how? So i grabbed my wallet and DASH to BK like a mad lady..and my stamina dropped so much la! By the time i ran to Foyer 3(in full speed) i bueh ta han liao..literally having a lil chest pain stuff la..den i brisk walked to BK and buy sinman her beloved fries with tartar sauce..haha..

Ran back..just nice just finish secondary school' i'm not too late for NP. Wahaha thank God for my flying legs=)))

Sinman FINALLY came!! Just after SP's rehearsal ba..And we quickly got changed into our pants with BLING it~ Fully geared in our costume..i feel so cool la! Haha..

So after POS we took the stage and started talentime rehearsal..was a long wait to our turn..we got to see our vid and our supporters' vid..and WE DUN EVEN KNOW OUR SUPPORTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got our CG members to take a supporters vid. before..and they wanted a refilm..and DUH LA! Not like people's free everyday to fit your schedule they just say if we dun have people they'll just grab anybody to take the vid. !!!!!DUH AH!!!!!! i'm super angry man..GRR never mind..wahaha..the original vid is SO SO SO SO SO MUCH NICER NICER NICER LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yea and our vid looks funnie..i didnt know me and man's voice is realli SO alike..haha..

So we did our i feel so HIGH la! Like with the lightings, costume, beautiful stage, audiences all..i feel like DANCING!!!!! was so electrifying! I can realli FEEL it already! We're gonna dance up a STORM in talentime so catch us ya? WAH! I'M SO HIGH! DANCE DANCE DANCE=) Yea i love Ghetto Queens=)

Had only one run of talentime=( and we did the finale thingy..haha..and i stood at the slope atthe ending..trying to act cool la~ haha..but i simply love it. all the finalist. THIS IS THE SLAM!!=)

After that was a short debriefing..den to our long awaited PHOTO MADNESS!! Me and ger and nikz said to bring our cameras (and phone for my case) to take LOADS of crazy pics..haha and some of the other finalist join in too! Was so FUN LA!! Took lotsa stupid and ugly pics!! Haha.. love talentime peeps!!=)

Took pics, took vid..all are so FUNNIE la! Haha..after that prac a while at expo there..left around 10 plus=) so excited for EMERGE!

And YES! Later's IT! First session of EMERGE and i'm so privilledged to be serving choir..wahahaha..emerge emerge emerge emerge! i couldnt stop thinkin=)

Okie i'm all so HIGH right now for emerge. it's gonna be a HOLY GHOST PARTEEEY!!Gagaga.

Puii- `emerging=)

1:45 PM